

Step into a world

where deep personal evolution

meets the wildness of nature

Experience cutting-edge quantum biology, master neural reprogramming, and reconnect with your true self in breathtaking settings. Whether in a small group with Deep Transformation or personalized ONE : ONE Guidance, you’ll embark on an adventure that holistically revitalizes your emotional, mental, physical, and energetic bodies.

Wilderness is Medicine

In a world buzzing with distractions and screens, it’s easy to feel isolated and overwhelmed. Imagine blasting above the digital fog and stepping into a wild adventure where you’re truly seen and supported. When we work in-person, magic happens. Natural settings and the science of quantum biology supercharge your transformation. It’s your next evolution; it’s a quantum leap forward. This is why I bring people into nature – to amplify change and ignite your next epic chapter.

A Re-Wilded Day

Re-Wild Immersions are typically a weekend event customized for a small group or just yourself. Discover what it’s like to spend a day in a Re-Wild Immersion experience, whether you thrive in the camaraderie of a small group or seek personalized attention with Toréa. Experience holistic revitalization of your emotional, mental, physical, and energetic bodies, all amplified by the natural environment.

Each day, we’ll be immersed in a stunning natural setting, exploring and transforming your subconscious through advanced workshops. You’ll connect with AMAZING women, forming lifelong bonds. By the end, you’ll leave feeling transformed, empowered, and soul-nourished


Center yourself by greeting the morning sunrise, followed by nourishing, organic meals to energize your physical body, then set out on invigorating nature hikes that wake up your adventurous side. Spend time exploring the rich coast line of the Central California Pacific or the rivers, alpine lakes, and pine forests of the Pacific Northwest.


Explore the wonders of quantum biology as we explore the natural world around us. Find your flow in river or lake dips, washing away the old and soaking up your new energy. Transmute energy & emotions with contrast therapy sauna and cold plunge


As the sun sets, gather around the fire for reflection & insightful discussions, sharing stories and laughs. End the night with stargazing under the open sky, invoking awe and creativity. Use the serene environment for soul searching or to reflect, gain clarity, and plan for the future.

Glimpse Into the Experience


Glimpse Into the Experience 🜄🜂🜄

Re-Wild Essentials

  • Depending on the type of experience, overnight accommodations have included modern chalets, cabins and unique properties. For the more adventurous, this might look like overnight backpacking in the alpine wilderness (ONE : ONE only).

  • Meals prepared by an in-house holistic private chef, always focusing on local, organic and indigenous ingredients.

    All meals will be gluten free and we can accommodate special dietary restrictions.

    For group Re-Wild Immersions, our in-house chef will prepare a celebratory dinner. Other meals are on your own.

    For private ONE : ONE Re-Wild Immersions dinners are prepared by our in-house chef. Other meals we prepare together.

  • If the ocean is calling, then the location will most likely be centered in the natural beauty of the Central California Coast, near Santa Cruz, CA.

    If the mountains are calling, then we'll explore the lush alpine forests and snow peaked volcanoes of the Central Oregon region near Bend, OR.

  • Everything above is included with the exception of travel expenses getting to and from the location.

Wild Outcomes

  • So Toréa and I went on a nature walk, and I am not a big nature person. I don't really like bugs, just not my thing. And so that was really different for me. And Toréa was really therapeutic throughout that process allowing me to feel more courageous, explore and let's see what else we can find. But when she would give me the opportunities to explore being one with nature, even putting my hand on tree bark, I can feel it. Now I understand why people like to be in nature. The experience also opened my eyes, and helped me make connections that I hadn't ever noticed before. I hadn’t realized that I had associated cold, anything being outside in the cold, being in cold water, to a trauma from my childhood. It was just such a wild and amazing connection to make. And it's really groundbreaking. I think especially for me. And when I got out of the cold water, I felt so strong, I felt so just like, like I was in complete awe of how I was feeling it was just so amazing. Wow, I can do that. And that's not scary. That's not scary at all. That's really, really powerful.

    Julia, Personalized Immersion

  • Learning the breathing techniques was very empowering for me. When we got into the cold plunge, I was able to control my breathing and calm my body down. And that was so empowering. I was able to overcome a stressful situation. I also learned how important it is to verbally express our emotions. Meeting other people and being vulnerable to learn together. It was very therapeutic for me when it comes to my emotions and the way that I handle them. I needed these tools, thank you!

    Anne, Retreat Weekend

  • I was searching for a fulfilling weekend, looking for more community, wanting to reflect on myself and grow and learn and this weekend retreat pretty much was fate for me to be here. I just trusted that it was the right thing for me at the right time. So I showed up. And let me just say that it has just influenced me in the best way possible.

    Amy, Retreat Weekend

  • To be honest, I didn't really know what I was getting into. I came with a lot of openness and a lot of stress and a lot of mental clutter. And the intention that I set for the weekend was mental space and clarity. And I feel like I got that, and so much more. It was relaxing and healing, and therapeutic and beautiful. And I just need a little reset, if you will. And I feel like this has been exactly that. It just feels like we were able to do so much in such a small amount of time. But it never felt overwhelming. It was beautiful and I'm ready to do it again.

    MAK, Retreat Weekend

  • And this retreat weekend, I felt so called to, to continue working on things from Deep Transformation, to be in that space with those people and be able to work through those energetics. And it was really nice to be here to focus on the trueness of myself and knowing my capabilities. I came in with so much openness and vulnerability and knowing that I wanted to get out of this was just compassion for myself. The sauna to the cold plunge was such an experience - your body just feels ignited in a way, pushing through that breath and you come out feeling stronger than ever; more resilient than ever. I'm just really grateful for that experience.

    Karissa, Retreat Weekend

  • I think for me personally, well, first of all, cold-plunging in nature is like unreal. There’s just something different about looking at the trees and being in the water in nature. It helped me become mindful and grounded in my body, and helped me acknowledge the experience my body was having. The plunge has definitely helped me. I was also slightly apprehensive to spend an entire weekend around people because I thrive off of other people's energies. And I'm also someone who, at the flip of a switch, I need to be isolated. And I was so worried. I felt like there was going be a point where I would want to isolate, talk to noone and run off into the woods. I didn't feel like that at all this entire weekend, which was so cool. Because I think when you have people who are interested in the same types of things, I've learned so much of every single one of you, I'm just mind blown. Everyone had such amazing energy and compassion for one another and themselves. And that makes all the difference.

    Sarah, Retreat Weekend